There came the time, when a new prophet should speak unto man. There came the time of Malehuda. And thus it came to pass that a man crossed the abyss of the millenniums. And he walked on paths, which had not been walked for such a long time. He was a stranger to humans, and they were strangers to him.
And a woman saw him coming unto her. But she was filled with deep sadness, because a dark demon obsessed her spirit. Humility was the name of the demon, and he wrapped the soul of the woman in darkness.
When that man however came unto her, the woman became afraid, and she wanted to turn away to flee from him. But that man said unto her: "Do not run away, because thou canst not escape of that which maketh thee fear!" So the woman stopped, because confusion had overcome the demon, which obsessed her. And that man commanded the demon: "Drive out of this woman, tormentor of humans! Crawl back unto Zabaoth, thy master, the lord of filth and all evil demons!"
Thereupon the demon tormented the soul of the woman with all the strength of his abomination. Because he did not want to give away any more, whom he had taken possession of. But he was not able to resist the strength of that man. And thus he finally crawled out of the bosom of the woman and was blown away by a gust of wind. The woman however was overcome by joy and relief, because her pride had been freed from its demonic chains. Her eyes were filled with tears of joy, and gratefully she sagged at the knees before that man.
But the man stepped back frightened and shouted: " Do not kneel before me! Because thou art no wife any more, but a woman. The reflection of Ashtaroth is in thee. I however am nothing." Thereupon the woman asked him: "Hast thou not driven the dark demon out of my soul? Who art thou that thou art able to do so?" And that man said: "I am the wolf, which breaketh into the herd to rob the sheep. But the sheep I rob will become wolves themselves." But the woman did not understand his words, and so she said: "But if I am asked, who it was, who drove the demon out of my soul, what shall I answer?"
And that man said: "Tell them that Malehuda hath come! And tell them, that he hath come to ignite the flame in the darkness!" Then that man, which was Malehuda, went his way. Because there was a lot of work to be done. The woman however hastened to tell the people about Malehuda. Malehuda realised the darkness, which covered the world. Wherever he turned his eyes, he only saw dreariness and ugliness. Because Zabaoth still had great power over the mortals.
And thus Malehuda entered the city, which was in his way, and said unto the people: "Oh, slaves of Zabaoth, what have ye done to the beauty of the earth? What once was great and splendid hath become small and ugly by your mediocrity. Ye have taken away the charm from life, when you brought void and uniformity upon the world. Ye called it peace, but it was the peace of death. Ye have taken away the strength of the strong ones to turn them into sheep of your herd. Ye have taken away the grace of the female gender and subdued it to the slavery of men to please a god who only knoweth the unnatural love to his own gender. How can call you that god the One, who offendeth nature by all his deeds and laws?"
Amongst the people who heard the words of Malehuda, there was also a priest of Zabaoth. And he asked him: "In whose name thou speakest, which blasphemest god, the Almighty? " And Malehuda answered him: "I speak in the name of the earth, and I speak in the name of Ashtaroth, my goddess." So the priest of Zabaoth asked: "How canst thou speak in the name of a goddess, while there is only one god? Because only one god may have created heaven and earth. So there can also be only one creator and god." But Malehuda answered him: "Uncreated is the earth. And uncreated is man. Behold, from the dust of the earth man was born, like the earth was born from the dust of the stars." Thereupon the priest of Zabaoth laughed and said: "So tell me, who created the stars from whose dust the earth was born!" But Malehuda said: "If everything needeth a creator, by whom it was created, then who created the creator? Behold, there is no omnipotence! And even that god, who boasteth about it, doeth not possess enough power to rule over me." Thereupon the priest of Zabaoth became outraged and shouted: "How canst thou venture to place thyself higher than god?" But Malehuda told him: "Be quiet, miserable slave of thy god! Because the humility of slave speaketh out of thy mouth." Thereupon the priest of Zabaoth crept away to report to the others of his corrupt guild on Malehuda.
When Malehuda walked through the streets of the city, he was overcome by great surprise, because nowhere he could see a woman. Only men and ghosts came into his sight. Then a sudden discovery came to him, and he tore away the veil of one of the ghosts, which it was disguised with. And, behold, there appeared a woman, which had hidden herself under the dark robe. But the people, which saw this, became outraged at the shamelessness of that sight. So Malehuda said: "Be quiet, sinners against nature! Because ye shall know: The woman, which veileth her body, insulteth herself and her beauty." Thereupon the outraged people became silent, and Malehuda continued his way. Since Malehuda had attracted great attention, the councillors of the city invited him to speak in their council. And the prophet was accompanied into the building, where the wisest men of the city had assembled. But when Malehuda saw them, he said: "What am I to do here at this place? Where more than three men have assembled without any woman, there is no place for me. Because where those, which prefer their own gender want to be alone, there I have no business." And thus he turned away and left the council of the city. Since Malehuda had enraged the priests of Zabaoth and the councillors of the city, they sent armed warriors to arrest him. And when they seized him, they locked him into the dungeon of the city. But when Malehuda saw that there were three other men besides him in his dungeon, he said unto the guard, which had led him: "Take me unto another place! A man shall only tolerate women in the room where he intendeth to rest, because else he insulteth Ashtaroth." But the guard ignored his words and locked the door behind him. Thereupon Malehuda kept awake until it got dark. And when the men, which were locked up together with him, had fallen asleep, he slew them before they could awake again. Then he went to bed.
When Malehuda was taken unto the court of the city at the following morning, the judge spake unto him: "Thou hast sinned against Zabaoth, and thou hast murdered three men. Doest thou not know the law, which thou hast to obey?" But Malehuda answered him: "What doeth your law mean to me? Ye made this law, so also obey it! I however did not make a law, so I will not obey any law either." Thereupon the judge said: "The law applies to all and everybody. And there is nobody excluded from the law." Thus Malehuda answered: "Cursed be the law! Because where the law is, there liberty cannot be. If man required law, then it would be given him by nature and would not need to be forced upon him. And cursed again be the law! Because it is the evil creation of darkness. By the iron clamp of law life itself was choked to death." Thereupon the judge pronounced his sentence upon Malehuda: "Since thou doest not shew respect for me and the law, I command thee to meet death, before tomorrow's day breaks." But Malehuda answered unto him: "I obey neither thy commands nor the commands of any man. Because thou art nothing that I am not also. So why should I obey thee?" Thereupon the judge had him taken back into the dungeon by armed warriors, where he should await the hour of his death. But in the night, when Malehuda waited in the dungeon, suddenly a man came unto him. He had never seen him before, but nevertheless he recognised him. Because it was the Sentinel of Ashtaroth. And the Sentinel asked him: "Art thou the prophet of Ashtaroth?" And Malehuda answered him: "To speak for Ashtaroth, I crossed the abyss of time." Thus the Sentinel examined him and recognised him. And thus he said unto Malehuda: "Follow me, and do not worry! Because those, which kept thee imprisoned, are not longer alive." Thereupon they left the dungeon, where Malehuda had been in prison. And the Sentinel led Malehuda unto those, which had followed his words.
Thereupon the servants of Ashtaroth came unto Malehuda and said unto him: "Shew us the goddess, so that we can see her with our eyes!" And Malehuda answered them: "The power of Zabaoth is still too great to permit that Ashtaroth could shew herself to you. But ye shall know: In each woman the image of Ashtaroth is reflected, the more similar, the more she is a fighter and the more different, the more she becometh a mother." This and much more Malehuda said unto those, which followed him. Once there came a woman and a man unto Malehuda and asked for his blessing to the bond they wanted to enter together. So Malehuda said unto them: "Unholy is the bond between a man and a woman! Because single man is born, and single he will die. Why should not he live single too?" Thereupon they said one to another: "Thus let us separate woman from man!" But then Malehuda was seized with anger and shouted: "Do ye also want to sin against nature like the slaves of Zabaoth do? Behold: Where the genders are separated, there Ashtaroth is offended. And cursed shall be all who offend Ashtaroth and sin against nature!" This and much more Malehuda said unto those, which followed him.
Finally there came the day when Malehuda gathered all, which followed him in order to speak for the last time unto them. And he said unto them: "I did, what I was told to do. From now on it is up to you to wage the war. Therefore do not forget the name of the enemy! Zabaoth he is called. And he is the god of darkness. Because everything of him is filthy and corrupt. Every morning ye wake up, ye shall curse the name of Zabaoth! By the mark of damnation ye shall recognise the most miserable slaves of his. Because they have mutilated their own gender to seal the covenant with their abominable master. Do not rest until the last one of his slaves is erased from the earth and his name is effaced from human memory!" This and much more Malehuda said unto those, which followed him. Then he departed, and they did not know, whither he went.
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