Damned be the god who calleth himself the One!
And damned be all those who bend their knees before him!
Damned be those and their god, damned to the end of time!
Behold, darkness covereth the earth, and the stench of Zabaoth filleth the air!
He is the god of slavery, and wherever he putteth his feet, there everybody will lose his freedom.
He is the enemy of life, and wherever he ruleth, there he forces the flesh to decay.
He is the prince of ugliness, and wherever his sight falleth upon, there beauty veileth itself.
Beware, because Zabaoth and his herd wander about the land; and they will not tolerate anybody which doeth not wander with them!
But the day will come, when Ashtaroth will cross the abyss of centuries and the reign of darkness will tremble of her.
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